Home » The Role of Air Filters in Furnace Performance

The Role of Air Filters in Furnace Performance

Homeowners know that their furnace is an important part of keeping the home comfortable during cold weather. But many don’t realize how important air filters are in helping the furnace run smoothly and efficiently.

Air filters help to keep dust, dirt, pet hair, and other debris from entering the furnace system, which can reduce airflow and cause it to overwork itself. By regularly changing or cleaning your air filters, you can ensure that your furnace runs at its peak performance level all year round.

In this article, we will discuss the role of air filters in maintaining a healthy and efficient furnace system.

Continue reading to learn how your furnace’s air filter affects its overall performance!

Afterward, feel free to check out the following link if you’d like to learn more about the furnace repair process: https://imsheatingandair.com/furnace-repair/.

What is a Furnace Air Filter and How Do They Affect Furnace Performance?

Air filters for furnaces are specially designed to trap dust, dirt, and other particles before they enter the furnace’s internal components. These filters work by forcing air through a mesh material that traps these particles while allowing only clean air to pass through. The filters must be regularly maintained and replaced so they can continue working efficiently.

When a filter becomes clogged, it reduces airflow which can cause the furnace to overwork itself and potentially malfunction. Homeowners should check their air filters every month and replace them when they become clogged or dirty; this will help ensure that their furnace is running at its optimum performance level.

How Often Should You Change Your Furnace Filter for Optimal Performance?

Homeowners should replace their furnace air filter at least every 90 days, or as often as recommended by the manufacturer. If a filter is in use for more than 90 days without being replaced, it can become clogged with dust and debris, which will reduce the efficiency of the furnace.

Homeowners should also keep an eye on their air filters and replace them if they appear to be dirty or clogged before the 90-day mark. Additionally, homeowners who have pets or allergies may need to replace their air filters more frequently in order to keep their HVAC system running properly.

Homeowners should also consider investing in a better quality filter that traps more particles, such as one with a higher Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) rating. By changing air filters regularly and investing in a better quality filter, homeowners can ensure that their furnace is running optimally and efficiently all year round.

Can You Change a Furnace Filter By Yourself or Should You Call a Professional?

When it comes to changing a furnace filter, homeowners may be tempted to try and do it on their own. But while this may seem like an easy task, it is best to leave this job up to the professionals. Furnace filters need to be replaced correctly in order for the furnace system to operate at peak performance levels.

Professional technicians have the experience and expertise necessary to properly replace a furnace filter. They can assess the size and type of filter needed, as well as any other specific requirements for replacement. A professional can also make sure that any seals are correctly fitted and secure after the new filter is installed, eliminating the risk of air leaks or decreased efficiency due to incorrect installation.

In addition, some filters require special tools or instructions for installation that most homeowners won’t have access to; these should only be handled by a trained technician. Homeowners who are unsure about how to change their furnace filter should contact a qualified HVAC technician for assistance.

By taking proper care of their furnace system, homeowners can help ensure that their HVAC system runs efficiently all year round. Changing air filters regularly is an important part of this maintenance, as it helps reduce dust buildup and airflow obstructions that can affect furnace performance.

Homeowners should always call a qualified professional when replacing their air filters in order to guarantee that they are using the right size and type of filter for their system and that it is correctly installed.

The Role of Air Filters in Furnace Performance — Conclusion

Homeowners should always take care to regularly check and replace their furnace air filters in order to ensure that their HVAC system is running efficiently. It’s important for homeowners to use the right size, and type of filter, and install it correctly according to manufacturer instructions; this will help keep dust buildup and airflow obstructions at bay, preventing costly repairs or replacements down the line.

For these reasons, it’s best for homeowners to call a qualified professional when replacing their air filters so they can guarantee proper installation and peak performance levels from their furnaces all year round.